Tuesday, February 21, 2006

NRB Convention Update #2

While JCD was unable to attend the Dallas convention, Jim Daly DID come to accept the award for Radio Talk Show of The Year. Thanks, Jim! And once more, congratgulations to Dr. Dobson and a cast of dozens!

Well, the suite is torn down and will be loaded in Steve's Suburban, and the final banquet will begin minutes from now. We had a host of events and meals with affiliates during the past couple of days. Tom Minnery, Bob Dittmer, Bill Maier and Martha Hadley were here. The Briargate staff was represented capably, Lisa Anderson was here, and we talked with many, many stations about a variety of programs and opportunities.

Today several of us visited the Dallas HQ for Salem Communications. Dr. Maier was on KLTY's morning show, as were the Barretts (from Peyton, CO). I was a guest on this afternoon's Scott Wilder Show (2004 recipient of the NRB Talk Show Award). We met Greg Anderson from SRN (radio network "home" of Hugh Hewitt and Michael Medved).

Throughout the past days I have seen at least 15 former FOF folks. God has used many of them in amazing ways since they "left the fold."

Must go to dinner. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks to all who helped this be a most productive time for FOF. Special thanks to Bill, Roseanne and Adam...for exceptional work!


Sunday, February 19, 2006

NRB Convention Report #1

The 2006 National Religious Broadcasters Convention officially began Saturday night, although there was plenty of activity prior to that opening session. On Friday NRB board meetings were held, and earlier Saturday there was a general NRB business meeting, a Women in Christian Media luncheon and the annual Awards Reception.

At the business meeting, John was elected to the Executive Committee of the NRB Board. It will be an honor to serve NRB and FOF in this capacity.

As you know, the award for "Best Radio Talk Show" was bestowed on the daily program. Jim Daly came to Dallas for the express purpose of receiving that award. Rob Kirkpatrick also came for that special event. Here's a FOF Press Release about that special industry recognition. Congratulations (and great thanks!) to all who have a hand in making that program happen!

Also, Bill Arbuckle, Steve Reinke, Jeff Jacobsen and Lisa Anderson spent a good part of the day preparing our FOF Suite for heavy convention use. They did a superb job, and
all the planning and hard work has paid off - the suite looks outstanding!

Of course, this convention is all about renewing and deepening relationships, and there have already been a number of fruitful conversations with our radio and television partners, both formal and informal.

Pray for the team here, please, that we'll be healthy, that we'll have favorable discussions with affiliates, that God will move in and through us...for His kingdom and His glory. Thanks.

BTW, I'll try to have some pictures posted next time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Baby Brooks!

Congratulations to Darin and Elissa Brooks, the proud parents of a long-expected baby girl. Her name is Taylor Faith. She was born Sunday February 12 at 11:15 p.m. and weighed 7lb 9 oz.

I hope you'll join me in praying for strength and grace for this new little one and her (tired) parents.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Technology Convergence

Show of hands: How many of you have an iPod? Some other MP3 player? MP3 capable phone? MP3 capable PDA? Have at least seen someone in public walking around wearing those ubiqitous while headphones?

My point in asking is to illustrate that which we did not think possible even a mere five years ago. Who would have thought that we'd consider MP3 (or in the case of Apple's iTunes software, MP4) the standard way to organize our music and take it with us wherever we go? And yet, here we are, and most of us either have a player. Certainly nearly all of us at least knows someone who does have an iPod (or similar).

So, in five years, what will we consider "normal" for our audio consumption patterns? Well, here's one probable trend that will take us closer to that day.

From today's Radio and Internet Newsletter, an interesting bit of speculation. Apple dominates the MP3 player market, and what they do affects most other player manufacturers. So when you read something like this, you know that a new development - affecting a lot of our audience, and also offering us some great opportunities - is just around the corner.

Even if the idea has no real merit today, it will likely end up being true in the coming year.

Wi-Fi Bluetooth iPods sound like the ultimate in convergence fantasy for a wide variety of tech industries. But for RAIN readers, talk of such a player could signal Internet radio capabilities for the world's most popular portable digital media player.

Picture this: When you turn on your iPod, an "Internet Radio" menu would appear, where you could browse through your favorite stations' streams from your iPod's display. This would realize so much of Net radio's portability potential, and in a very mainstream way. Pair that with the hottest personal player going, and what follows should be absolutely huge.

I find this all very interesting. For those of us in the audio business, it means a lot of new ways to deliver our programming. And ways to reach new listeners. And that means...greater impact (you KNEW that was coming, right?).

I hope we can have a webcast, or a web station, up and running before too long. There's a world of new listeners out there!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Podcasts Bring Donation

A listener comment about podcasting was on ImIn last week, but in case you missed it...

Thank you so much for making Focus on the Family available through podcasts! I get poor reception from the local radio station so this new technology has been a godsend. I especially appreciate having the broadcasts available at my convenience.

This was the final encouragement I needed to become a monthly supporter of your ministry through electronic funds transfer – something I probably should have done a long time ago! May God richly bless you guys.

BTW, last month, 62,000 people downloaded the daily broadcast “podcast” feed from OnePlace. That's great!

Who knows how many people we'll reach when we unleash all the NEW podcasts...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Grayson Bernal Pic

Here's a nice photo of the newest Bernal. Congrats to Brent and Melissa!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Listen To The "Talk Show Of The Year" Demo

The piece, showcasing highlights from the daily broadcast, is 9:23 in length. It is posted here.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Touching Hearts

The other day I went to the Welcome Center. I came back a bit emotional. I saw the Heart Gallery, a traveling exhibit is helping raise awareness about children in need of a home. How deeply I was touched by the photos and stories!

The exhibit features pictures of more that 50 foster children, some of whom have been placed recently in "forever families," others who have waited years...and are still not part of a loving family.

KOAA, Channels 5/30, covered the exhibit's appearance at FOF. Look for video here. Guest Relations Hostess Diane Ingolia was even quoted:

"The pictures really capture the personality and the spirit of each of the children and then to be able to read the biography on them-- just that short little phrase that makes your heart say 'oh, there's just so many children out there and maybe I can do something."

The Heart Gallery is on display at the at the Focus on the Family Welcome Center through February 25th.

Please take a few minutes to see this memorable gallery. And consider what God may be saying to your heart as you mull over the needs. I was sobered and quite moved. I prayed. How will you react? C'mon, take a few minutes and find out.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wednesday Devos

Number of things covered today in devos. Recognized Christine Beebe and Kay Headley for their excellent work with the Aprimo software (and they survived!). Also kudos to Bret Bernal for enthusiastically facilitating some podcast recordings, and to Trent Chase for his on-going great work with the uplink studio and new parenting features. Thanks to each of you for modeling wonderful attitudes and a commitment to excellence in your day-to-day work here!

Gave an update from Impact Update meeting yesterday. Lots going on here at FOF!

Also, I shared a devotional thought that came to me from a weekend experience. The set-up was that last Sunday I found myself spending a lot of time with my oldest daughter. Nothing overly deep or even intentional on my part. Through the day, though, we were together quite a bit. Here's the thrust of my observations:

All in all, a number of little interactions with a girl who looks up to me and values my attentions.

So...this morning. As I head out the door, on my desk I find a small item, wrapped carefully in foil, with a note. Some of that candy she had made. Awww... It was a nice little gesture. And it reminded me that the payoff was not just today, in getting a sweet treat from my daughter.

The payoff really was yesterday. Time invested wisely. Not always overly purposeful. Didn't have to be. The point for my adolescent daughter was that she spent time with her Daddy. And that I cared enough to be there for the little rhythms of life. I had made time to be with her.

Her note was simple and to the point. And it made me tear up.

To my father who loves me.

What a welcome reminder...of the power God has given me as a Daddy.

Listen To The Broadcasts

From a new post on Impact Intranet:

There are several different ways to "hear" the Focus on the Family daily broadcast:

Listen on your radio! The Focus broadcast can be heard at a variety of times on local radio stations. You can access the schedule here.

Broadcasts are available while on the Focus campus by clicking here:

Listen to the broadcast on the phone!
Both today's (Option 1) and tomorrow's (Option 2) broadcasts can be heard from any phone while on campus by dialing 4693. This option can also be accessed from outside of FOF by dialing 548-4693.

Also, you can listen to the daily Focus on the Family Weekend broadcast and the Family News in Focus and FNIF weekend broadcasts on the phone at your desk.

To listen to the Weekend program: Dial ext. 4694 and press 1 to listen to the Weekend broadcast.
If you press 2, it will take you to the Today/Tomorrow phone line (4693)

To listen to the FNIF or FNIF Weekend broadcast: Dial ext. 5406 (the daily can be accessed during the week and the FNIF Weekend can be accessed on Saturday and Sunday).

What isn't mentioned: Download the podcast at OnePlace.com.