10 reasons why I’ll swap my iPod for a Zune?

Okay, so it may not even be a "real" post...it may be Microsoft propoganda. Or not.
The background: Author (unnamed, hmmmm) has an iPod. Likes it. Or, he did. Now that Microsoft has announced their new player, "Zune," due out sometime in the next year, he wants one of those.
Why, or why leave the simplicty and elegance of the iPod? Here are just a few of his "10 reasons." There is a lot of explanation that accompanies each point, go to the original for that text.
1. iTunes = TOO EXPENSIVE. (Editor: Adjusted for inflation, a buck per song isn't much more than what I recall paying for 45 PRM singles back in the 70s. I don't understand why this is considered an issue.)
2. iTunes = TOO SINGLE-MINDED. (Editor: We're overlooking the point: singleminded software works. Bloated software doesn't work as well. Ever.)
3. iTunes = UNFORGIVING. (Editor: The blue screen of death is a very forgiving bit of software. Even if you miss a little colon or letter when typing in filenames.)
4. iTunes = HORRIBLE USER EXPERIENCE. (Editor: Unlike MS Windows.)
Oh, and here's another reason to go with "Zune:"
8. iTunes = PROPRIETARY FILE FORMAT. A ghastly, lock-in strategy from Apple, which doesn’t realise that people don’t like this sort of thing. (Editor: Like Microsoft shares everything with everyone. Uh-huh. Can you say "Windows Media?")
Okay, okay. I am biased here. I find it difficult to believe people would actually be excited about a piece of hardware from Microsoft. Or their software, either, for that matter. Still, I am intrigued about this.
Take a look, and don't forget the interesting comments at the bottom.
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